Nurturing Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace: Flourishing Teams, Thriving Business.
In today’s fast-paced work environment, prioritising health and wellbeing is not just a nice-to-have but a strategic investment. Happy and healthy employees are the driving force behind organisational success. With Mental Health Awareness Week occurring recently, let’s explore six essential practices to foster a thriving workplace.
Embrace Work-Life Balance
The first essential practice is to encourage employees to disconnect and recharge during non-work hours. This should include avoiding emails, switching off the work phone, and never working during periods of leave. Promoting a healthy work-life balance allows employees to rejuvenate, which in turn fuels productivity and creativity. Therefore, implement policies that support flexible working hours, remote working options, and encourage regular breaks through the working day. A balanced life is the cornerstone of sustained productivity.
In February 2023, the world witnessed the results of the largest-ever four-day working week pilot conducted in the United Kingdom. This was trialled to see what the benefits would be if organisations enabled their employees to have a longer break (in this case one extra day) between working days. The results of the pilot were so positive that nearly every participating company decided to continue with the four-day week, without reducing employee pay. The benefits resulting from the pilot included a 65% reduction in sick days, 71% of employees reporting reduced levels of burnout, and significant improvements in markers of work-life balance. This pilot evidenced the many positives in promoting work-life balance initiatives.
Promote Physical Wellness
Healthy bodies lead to sharp minds and a more vibrant workplace, so invest in fitness programs or wellness challenges to keep your team active and energised. Physical activity is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental health, with proven benefits in reducing stress levels as well as reducing the risks of chronic health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. If possible, offer on-site fitness classes, gym memberships, or organise team sports events. If this isn’t possible, consider incorporating discounts for gym memberships or local sports clubs into your employee benefits programmes. It’s important to include a range of activities to cater to different interests and fitness levels.
When it comes to fitness challenges, you can be as inventive as you like. Most recently I took part in a workplace challenge with my team to record steps walked each day, with the aim to walk as many steps as possible during a one-month period. Not only was this a great way to motivate staff to move more, but it also fostered a healthy element of competition within and between teams.
Emphasise Mental Health
Mental health is just as important as physical health, so create a stigma-free environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health without fear of judgement. Provide resources such as counselling services, mental health days, and training for managers to recognise and support employees' mental health needs. A supportive workplace fosters emotional resilience and a stronger, more engaged team, which in turn results in a host of business benefits including improved productivity, lower employee turnover and significantly fewer absences due to ill health. If you want to learn more about supporting mental health at work, see here for more information from the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) with their guide for people managers.
Fuel with Nutritious Options
Do away with vending machines full of ultra-processed foods and offer healthy snacks and meal options instead to keep energy levels high and help staff maintain their focus throughout the day. I know - we all love a chocolaty snack from time to time but when your average bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk contains almost 200 calories with almost no real nutritional benefit, you could and probably should substitute it for an apple and a banana (when combined they total approximately 200 calories too!). Nutritious food is vital for cognitive function, overall energy, and for maintaining good health which in turn improves productivity and reduces absence rates. Instead of opting for pizzas every Friday or a platter of beige buffet food during office gatherings, stock the office with fruits, nuts, and other healthy snacks, and consider partnering with local vendors to provide wholesome meal options. A nourished team is a high-performing team.
Prioritise Restful Sleep
It’s difficult to over-state just how important sleep is for health and wellbeing. For example, one study involving 4,188 U.S. workers discovered that individuals who slept less experienced noticeably poorer productivity, performance, and safety outcomes. Additionally, they estimated that poor sleep resulted in a productivity loss of $1,967 per worker. Another study involving 1,000 adults monitored their productivity alongside sleep duration and quality. The findings were unequivocal: "Sleep duration (both insufficient and excessive), insomnia, sleepiness, and snoring were all linked to reduced work productivity." The resounding recommendation from this research is that “sleep should be recognized as a crucial factor in workplace health.”
Therefore, encourage employees to get enough rest to rejuvenate and recharge otherwise they will quickly run the risk of burning out. Promote good sleep hygiene practices and consider implementing policies that discourage late-night work, such as discouraging evening emails or video calls. You can go further by ensuring plenty of natural light in your office spaces which helps to regulate our circadian rhythm and melatonin production, limiting caffeinated drinks to early in the day to avoid the late-night caffeine rush, and promoting educational courses on the benefits of sleep. Well-rested minds make better decisions and contribute to a more effective workplace.
Foster a Supportive Culture
Build a community where colleagues support and uplift each other. A supportive culture enhances job satisfaction and employee retention. Encourage team-building activities, organise inclusive social events, create coaching and mentorship programs, and celebrate successes together throughout the year. Strong social bonds contribute to a positive and inclusive work environment, making employees feel valued and motivated.
A workplace that values health and wellbeing is a recipe for success! Investing in your team's happiness and health will lead to a more engaged, productive, and loyal workforce. By fostering these practices, you not only enhance individual wellbeing but also drive your business to new heights.